euroMATIC Liquid
The family of liquids for bedpan flushers shows us the original euroMATIC ph neutral and euroMATIC ph acidic. The balanced formula of euroMATIC protects your technology around the clock.
euroMATIC ph neutral can be used up to a water hardness of 12 ° dH and euroMATIC ph acidic can be used up to a water hardness of 22 ° dH.
Anything beyond this requires a special application, which is worked out with our chemists.
Alongside the euromatic brand, we also offer the agent Steckuron as an alternative.
We welcome your inquiry or direct order via the order form below (pdf download).
What we do.
Operating room washing station
Operating room washing station
Operating room washing station
Promotion Steckuron
Back again! Steckuron special offer "buy 4 get 1 free"
When you purchase 4 Steckuron canisters (each one 5 litres), we will give you another canister for free!
This offer applies to all bg edelstahl gmbh customers for an indefinite period.

Your contact person

Patrick Barselak
+49 (0) 2368 - 699 36 - 33